Water Maiden/Youma Atlantica


Name: Atlantica

Rank: Water Maiden(Earth Kingdom)
        Youma(Dark Kingdom)

Age: Unknown. Approximately 19 or 20

Height: 5'8

Weight: 125 lbs

Type of Youma: Water

Strengths: Swimming, Dancing, Massage

Weaknesses: Fire, Short Temper With Titus, Dancing at Inopportune Times

Family: Titus(Twin Sister)

Favorite Color: Aqua

Favorite Food: Squid, Eel, Fish

Least Favorite Food: Anything Spicy

Hobbies: Massage, Swimming, Dancing, Keeping Twin In Check

One of Obsidian's most powerful youma servants, Atlantica is a strong water-youma who is Titus' twin and shares her sister's abilities, although she uses them in more artistic ways than her twin. She is calmer than Titus and often has to keep her twin in check when her crush on Jadeite gets the better of her. Like her twin, Atlantica is most often seen in Jadeite and Obsidian's home, helping to keep it clean when she is not taking care of her mistress.

Atlantica is extremely loyal to Obsidian and Jadeite as well, as is expected of a youma, but maintains a close friendship with her mistress, even though it is considered unusual for a Dark Shitennou to have any relations with a youma servant outside of ordering them to do their bidding. Her loyalty to Obsidian is matched only by that which she holds for her twin sister.

While Titus was lost to the Dark Kingdom uring a battle with the Sailor Senshi, Atlantica survived until she was destroyed by Queen Beryl in a fit of rage. She felt her twin's pain and death to such an extent that she coughed up blood as the tiara fatally wounded her sister. Atlantica never fully recovered from her twin's death, although she remained loyal to Obsidian until the end, never questioning her mistress.

She returns to the Earth Kingdom in Crystal Tokyo, not as a youma, but as her original form, a water maiden, saved by the Ginzuishou at Obsidian's request for her loyalty to her and Jadeite throughout the years. She lives in the Crystal Palace as a guardian to Princess Usa with her sister and as the royal masseuse.