Water Maiden/Youma Titus


Name: Titus

Rank: Water Maiden(Earth Kingdom)
        Youma(Dark Kingdom)

Age: Unknown. Approximately 19 or 20

Height: 5'8

Weight: 125 lbs

Type of Youma: Water

Strengths: Swimming, Singing, Massage

Weaknesses: Fire, Jadeite

Family: Atlantica(Twin Sister)

Favorite Color: Light Blue

Favorite Food: Kelp, Salad

Least Favorite Food: Anything Spicy

Hobbies: Massage, Singing, Chasing Jadeite(and Running Away From Obsidian)

One of Jadeite's most powerful servants, Titus is a strong water-youma with abilities ranging from summoning large columns of water capable of punching through steel to vaporizing a glass of drinking water. She is his most loyal servant and is one of two youma most commonly seen around his laboratory, usually keeping the place clean or performing one of her famous massages.

While Titus' loyalty for Jae is expected due to her rank, it is also due to the enormous attraction she has for him, despite the differences in their appearances(although Titus can maintain an attractive human form) and their magics. Her loyalty for him is matched only by the defensive, sisterly loyalty she has for her twin, Atlantica.

Titus was originally lost to the Dark Kingdom after a battle with Sailors Moon, Mercury and Mars. Confused by Mercury's bubble-fog and burned severely by Mars' fire, she could only scream in terror as Moon's golden tiara sped towards her, wounding her fatally.

She returns to the Earth Kingdom in Crystal Tokyo, not as a youma, but as her original form, a water maiden, saved by the Ginzuishou at Jadeite's request for her loyalty to him and Obsidian throughout the years. She lives in the Crystal Palace as a guardian to Princess Usa with her sister and as the royal masseuse.