General Kazekami Zoisite


Name: Kazekami Zoisite

Birth Name: Abareno Sakura(Raging Blossom)

Alias: Zoe Saito

Rank: General/Elemental Shitennou

Age: 22(End of the Silver Millennium)
         1022(Fall of the Dark Kingdom)

Birthdate: March 20, 970

Zodiac: Aries

Height: 5'10

Weight: 135 lbs

Signature Color: Emerald Green

Element of Power: Wind

Strengths: Speed, Agility, Stealth

Weaknesses: Jealousy, Impatience, Short Temper

Family: Jadeite(Twin Brother)

Love Interest: Kunzite

Favorite Foods: Pasta, Chocolate

Least Favorite Food: Curry

Hobbies: Cuddling with Kunzite, Hassling Nephrite, Tormenting Tux

Life Goals: To Marry Kunzite and Kill Tux

Attacks: Sakura Shield - Defensive Shield
                Solar Reflections - Defensive Blinding
                Ice Sword - Offensive Close Combat(Shared with Kunzite)
                Sakura Tornado - Defensive Distraction
                Sakura Petal Kiss - Offensive Paralyzing
                Sakura Razor - Offensive Distant Combat
                Sakura Spiral - Strong Offensive Distant Combat

                Non-Magical Weapon Of Preference: Foil

The fiery Yin to Kunzite's cool Yang, Zoisite is a fiery young man who will do anything to get what he wants. Impatient and easily riled, he is impulsive and does not always think before acting, which often gets him into trouble. He relies on Kunzite for comfort and assurance when things are not going his way and is happiest when he is in his arms.

In battle, Zoisite is quick, agile, and graceful. His slim size allows him to get into smaller places than one might expect, but also avoids intense combat when he can because of his slim stature. Although his weapon of preference is a foil, like the others, he has been trained to use the paired katana and wakizashi, which he is capable of using either hand, although he favors his left.