
A realization that even the powerful can feel powerless....

Arigatou gozaimasu to my friend, Erica Branum, for this pic. Her TMNT page is here

No words, even at the hands of a writer, can describe the horror and sadness that I feel at the events in New York City, Washington D.C., and Pennsylvania. I can only hope and pray that those who committed such horrible acts against not only the United States, but humanity as well, will be brought to justice for their dishonor. My thoughts and heart and prayers are with those who have lost their lives, their families and friends, and anyone who is in the area and those who are helping with the rescue efforts. May Kami-sama be with you all.
My friend HappyLittleMoron's page for where you can go to help and if you need help coping.

1-800-GIVE-LIFE - Red Cross number for those who want to donate blood

1-800 HELP-NOW - Red Cross number for financial donations and other ways you can help

Stay strong, minna, we'll make it through. Buildings may be destroyed by terrorists, but our spirit will live on. Lives may be lost, but they'll never be forgotten.

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